Informations & documents
Minimum age: 17 1/2
  • Signed application (+ signature of the tutor if less than 18 years)
  • Picture (45x35mm, passport picture)
  • Medical certificate (less then 3 months old including stamp + signature of the doctor)
  • Copy of an id card or passport (both sided if foreign id card)
  • Copy of the divers license (if existing)
  • Copy of the id card of the tutor (<18 years)
  • Police record of the last country before Luxembourg if living less then 5 years in Luxembourg. (signture on the backside of the form to apply for the Luxemburgish police record)
Accompanied driving (B ACC) deliverd by the accompanists
Minimum age: 17
  • Signed application
  • Copy of an id card or passport (both sided if foreign id card, license since 6 years at least)
  • Copy of the divers license (if foreign license, it has to be registered at the ministry)
  • Attestation from the insurance company
Theoretical part
Theoretical lessons: 12
Theoretical exam:
6 hours of theory after failing the theoretical exam
Practical part
Practical lessons: 16
Practical exam:
8 hours of driving after failing the pratical exam